think many people have forgotten its true meaning.
is living peacefully together, whether you are Italian, Spanish, Israeli, Albanian,
Ukranian or Russian.
live peacefully all together we must get to know each other, respect each
other, accept each other, without imposing our ideas or opinions, but with an
open mind to share.
progress of mankind comes from the sharing of ideas and constructive projects. We
see it every day: we all use Google, Whatsapp, Facebook. We all eat paella,
couscous, sushi, kebabs. We use French perfumes, paper whose invention comes
from China and many other things that are very long to list.
about this can make us understand that living together in peace enriches us
while wars, bullying, and violence can destroy
us and all the beautiful things that surround us. It takes time and dedication
to build things and a moment to destroy everything: all it takes is a bomb.